the hold -toolbar
july 1999

authors BIOS
about the ho!d

Seaman dAev
Smell ME

ron androla
Jim Chandler
cait collins
Craig Sernotti
Michael Hathaway
elaine thomas
Scott Holdstad
marc ellis
Donna Hill
R L Stephenson
Jamie B.Lepore
Lincoln Sward


daev dembinski
elaine thomas
Michael Hathaway
R L Stephenson

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poets online books
poets online art

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office for writers

authors bios
submissions info


founded by  dAev dembinski

       issue 22

all poetry, prose, artwork, books and especially the rants are copyright of their respective authors-
unauthorized use is prohibited.

letter to the dear readers of the ho!d:

     welcome to July! hopefully you're through with the spring fling thing and you're ready to be consumed with summertime, sunburn/poison, heat rash between the upper thighs, under the balls and o, ladies, remember the disgust of the fumunda cheese? from under  yer tits? those little sweat pellets forming massive sticky colonies on hot/humid days. ewww. HARK  tho! you don't hafta go through allthat stuff  THIS  summer: turn the air on, sit back, kick yer legs up, enhance yerself with your favorite smoke (toke), hard or soft drink and  leap  into the ho!d! this is one issue you won't want to go on vacation without!
     speaking of vacations, I hafta confess: I used this issue as my surefire method of raising extra $$$ for mine: I took film strip accounts of our rant n raving columnists, our poets n prosies, set up a pretend lemonade stand with a blinking lighted billboard backdrop advertising the event and waited for passersby in the cul-de-sac of my neighborhood. I must say this attracted a huge audience of Xmas in July carolers looking for nickle n dime handouts, a vast majority of the squirrel population not to mention the nuts they brought along. hey! I count each and every applaud, paw tap and attack. it might not have been very profitable, but I'M READY TO GET OUTTA THIS TOWN! ssSppaAzzzZ!

new this month to the ho!d:
     we welcome the awesome poetry and/or prose of ron androla, Jim Chandler, Donna Hill, R L Stephenson, psgates and Lincoln Sward. marc ellis gives us a different style with his postcard poetry and Jamie B.Lepore fascinates us as we '_slide___' into her poetry.
     don't miss all of our regulars who have once again outdone themselves! ::STANDing ovations!::

     Diane Groth  and  M. Schaffer  are now the ho!d's official scouts of the funny, odd and unusual stuff you might click on around here. THANK YOU and welcome!

      and let's not forget about Dolomite. fans, be warned: the king of rant is up to something. what, I haven't figured out but it's in there. Seaman dAev is into some sort of kinky body parts and of course, if yer into raw meat: Smell ME!

thanks to all of you. this is an awesome issue!
(as always-heh)

cait collins
night dAev

a few more things:

you can say stuff here!

comment on what you read in the ho!d---comment, critique and bS! on the ho!d's
Graffitti messageboard
so, stick it where it gives you the most pleasure!

[s!gn the book eyes3_ss.gif - 242 Bytes  v!ew the book]
[GuestBook by]
© 1999 the ho!d
all rights reserved.
webdesign/graphics/maintenance by:
cait collins
ho!d header by dAev dembinski
last update: 07.01.99

in July---HO!

