authors bios

skull ! collins ! dembinski ! Hathaway
rohe ! thomas ! Holstad ! Dolomite ! trellis


---to be announced---
via micro ~waves ~~ ~ ~


cait collins
cait collins lives almost anywhere from Philadelphia to L.A. but mostly lives. she maintains such duties as editor/publisher/columist/webmistress of the HOLD e-zine, designs web sites and pretends to be a poet. unlike others, her poetry is unlike others. her work appears in the HOLD, Thunder Sandwich, PoetikLicense and Poetry Central. she has not banned catholic organizations and the frail of explicit language from her website. her first chapbook is now available entitled
"in the midst of erected poems."

she's just "here" for some odd reason!


dAev f. dembinski

dAev grew up in the slums of Calcutta selling handmade gourd rattles to tourists for pinto beans. Later he migrated to America on the back of a giant sea turtle. Then, one day, he decided to start The HOLD, and the rest is pretty much history.

the pipe is calling...


Michael Hathaway
Michael Hathaway founded Chiron Review literary magazine in 1982 at the age of 19. He lives in St. John, KS with 14 cats and roommate Ratboy. He has worked as a typesetter, personal care assistant for the mentally disabled, society editor for daily newspaper and many other odd jobs. This is his first e-zine publication, as far as he knows. He's been published in Atom Mind, Pearl, Gypsy, Blank Gun Silencer, Nerve Cowboy, Medicinal Purposes, Waterways, Cat Fancy and most recently in the anthologies: A Day for a Lay: A Century of Gay Poetry (Barricade); Obsessions: A Flesh and the Word Collection of Gay Memoirs (Penguin), using the pseudonym Jeremy Michaels; and Between the Cracks: The Daedalus Anthology of Kinky Verse.


Asked to submit a bio for this bit a' madness I aint got much to own to:Born with Mom in the room anyway. Had some pretensions early then had to find a job. Now I'm sittin' here and your reading this. Ain't much else, is there? Booze, pharmacueticals, pschyedelics; ya, it all figgers in...but I SWEAR TO YOUR FUCKIN GOD if anybody else fucks my mother for money owed more O' Dippin' Da Puss...s'like know who you motherfuckers are...


elaine thomas
Elaine Thomas is possessed by the poetry demon. She writes poetry, reads poetry, dreams poetry. Benevolent mistress of the Room 11 message board, Elaine invites one and all, provided they bring offerings of poetry. Lainie's work has been published in Paramour, In Your Face, The PAPER SALAd Poetry Journal, pLopLop, Thunder Sandwich,Peshekee River Poetry, Juice, idiolect, Poetry Super Highway and Zero City.


Scott Holstad
Scotts' authored 9 poetry books. His work has appeared in hundreds of magazines in 26 countries and 5 languages, including journals such as The Minnesota Review, Hawaii Review, Wisconsin Review, Kiosk, Chiron Review, Long Shot, Exquisite Corpse, Textual Studies in Canada, Pacific Review, Poetry Ireland Review, Arkansas Review, Lullwater Review, and Southern Review.


Subject: Dolomite
Name: Unknown at present
Age: CXXVI in dog years
Turn-Ons: Porn, Humor, and good food
Turn-Offs: Bad Taste, Religious fanatics that go door-to-door, Idiots, Jerks, Prejudice (except against Catholics and the French)
Plans for future: Become President, breed either flying cat or walking bat (bat + cat somehow), play golf drunk, masturbation


to be announced...


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