The Lonely Life of Seaman dAev
by: dAev f. dembinski
Who Knows?
part deux
This is Jesus. Jesus was a friend of mine. We laughed, we cried,
we sweet-caressed. One day Jesus said to me, as we were lying naked in the
afterglow, he said
"Yes, Jesus?" i asked, sensing his hesitance.
"Well, it's just that...I think it's time we saw other people."
"Actually, that's a good idea. I hear Krishna is hung like a horse! (nudge,
"You're not mad?" the Lord asked me, puzzlement radiating from his every
"Hell no, Jesus!! And don't look at me as if i'm a purple, fractalized,
three-toed kangaroo. Fact is, i don't really think i'm gay."
"Oh," he said, magnificent orator that he is. "So you won't mind if you're
damned to an eternity of endless torment?"
"You sure? Worms eating your flesh, burning lake of sulfur, the whole bit?"
"Go for it."
And the Lord did grin.