what people are sayin' about the-ho!d
newest added at top
To: ms_allthat@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: the ho!d
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 15:38:18 EDT
Yowza gal,.. That's too kewl for words.
Great showcase & fantabulous "bio"
page.. You're a great promoter!!! and I appreciate it
(as I'm sure we all do)
To: MS alltha
Subject: Re: the ho!d
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 18:37:40 +1000
Hi Cait
I didn't know about the hold - it's cool. Thanks !
To: ms_allthat@hotmail.com
Subject: re the hold
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 02:16:12 EDT
just wanted to tell you that I skipped
on over there and checked it out -
read most of the poems, loved
all of them :)
the place is looking really good, cait, better than
ever, if that's possible.
it's getting crowded in there (g)!
good going,
To: ms_allthat@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: the ho!d
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 06:06:00 PDT
hello. just visited the site. luv it luv it.
To: "MS allthat"
Subject: Re: the ho!d
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 09:34:14 -0700
great job cait!
thanks so much :)
To: ms_allthat@hotmail.com
Subject: The Hold
Date: Sat, 07 Aug 1999 19:59:14 -0500
Nice job ya did, missy.
To: ms_allthat@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: the ho!d
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 15:04:13 PDT
great job on the mag, by the way. you've really turned it into something big, and the thought of that almost always makes me smile. *raises his glass*
To: Iread@the-hold.com
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 22:30:47 EDT
The Ho!d smolders with the heat of raw creativity !!
Truly FREE speech in every sense.
Mental magma drips from my monitor.
Let's get more of Rohe's stuff on here.
Subject: the-ho!d
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 1999 11:22:11 PDT
ya got a way rad site. great collection of writers.
Subject: Re: the-hold.com
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 19:12:00 EDT
Damn good job, woman!
To: ms_allthat@hotmail.com
Subject: the hold
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 20:34:00 EDT
the hold site looks cool, cait, vintage ms_allthat.
Subject: Re: the-hold.com
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 13:26:30 +1200
just outstanding!
Subject: the ho!d
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 18:49:15 PDT
cait, you did an absolutely breathtaking job. i'm damn near speechless. even got my chapbook up! what a gal, what a gal. really, you deserve a fat check for exactly 2 million dollars for what you did, and if i had the money you'd get it.
Subject: Re: the-hold.com
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 23:14:51 -0400
went to the site. like
Subject: The Hold
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1999 09:15:52 -0500
Dear Cait,
I have read about half of "The Hold" and wanted to share my thoughts about it.
Well, it ain't that bad...but it seems to be about a bunch of losers ranting about life. Maybe your stuff is basically the same, but I do know I LIKE your work...maybe because I know you and can relate. Or try...
And your book is still making the rounds at work. Now, THEY don't know you, and they think you are pretty hot. Well, who wouldn't?
It is a great find, you getting Michael Hathaway. He is a very well-known editor in the field, with his Chiron Review, which rejected me a few times. Ever see a copy of it? He does it on newsprint, with nice big pictures and bios of his poets. I haven't read his stuff yet in The Hold, but I will, along with rest I
haven't gotten to yet. And hey, I didn't know he was gay. A lot of creative people are...so what?
I can see that putting it together once a month is a lot of work. Me, I like to hold my mag in my hand (gives me a break from that other thing I like to hold), but E-zines are the coming thing.
Love ya,
To: ms_allthat@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: the-hold.com
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 07:52:19 PDT
Hi Cait! The Hold looks great! Enjoyed what I got to see of it, but I plan to come back later.