issue 23
the ho!d offers our deepest condolences to the families of John F. Kennedy Jr., Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and Lauren Bessette.
all poetry, prose, artwork, books and especially the rants are copyright of their respective authors- unauthorized use is prohibited.
o.k. this is the place to read first so DON'T overlook it, god dammit:
hear ye! hear ye!…yes, yer in the right place AND time. don't boo whoo cause I'm a few days late with this month's issue of the ho!d---you know who you'se are that e-mailed me yer holyhell bS stuff… I have a right to a vacation, also. well, maybe to those who bitched, you have more of a need:… c'mon now, I don't wanna hear that you can't afford one or the kids get on yer nerves continually spewin' out: "are-we-there-yets" in yer ear from the backseat of the car. there's a solution for all of that, suchas: Tylenol, ear-plugs, mama on the other seat makin' flight plans outta town as soon as you arrive at your holiday destination. but if you can sit there behind a monitor, look up porn sites (you all do it, admit it), easter egg hunts in the sand dunes, fancy recipes that you wished your wife would cook, or at least your online lover, then there's hope! Yes! go on that virtual holiday anywhere in the world…start at hotbot.com and do a search for Paree, the Netherlands, the South Pacific, the North Pacific, the Pukey Pacific…previous Muhammad Ali bouts with whatStheirnameS or whatever or wherever the fuck you wanna go and don't be so damn cheap, at least send me a virtual postcard, bastards!
speaking of which, it's been a most glorious August for me: I've been traveling here and there to poetry readings. yes, I even read my shit at these things…from the unfolds of crapper paper, (the no-name brand) in some places, just so everyone knows it's as original as the author-ette! SpAzzzzZ (FLUSH) I will be writing about these next month. stay toOned!
new this month to the ho!d:
- one of our fav's is back with us: Goo with his awesome writing...welcome back goo, yoo!
- Cheryl Townsend is not new to poetry but has honored us with her wonderful work! please check out her online bookstore Impetuous Books and stuff THE place for underground reading materials: beat poets, online poets' books, chaps and artstuffs, etc.!
- plus, our poet, rohe has delved into the depths of our rant/columns section and has spilled his stuff all over the place with his RudeRestraint madness! somehow I think he's been in this positon before. heh, I DO know of other positions, but that's one more kinky story for another issue! don't ask, nosies. but I hafta say, I love yer stuff Rohe…ahem!
- we also have Rachel with her erotic prose…
now, it was bad enough tryin' to get through an issue without a masturbation session, but Rachel---I WANT you too, dammit! and since Rachel started this, all you Ho!d contributers, if you have the balls to expose yerselves, then get ready, next month there will be an erotic section added to the ho!d. men included--unless yer not erotic enough--we'll see now, won't we!?… c'mon, make me hot(ter) dang you'se!! YUM!
- o.k, now don't miss all of our regulars who have once again outdone themselves! and those who are missing this month, hurry back from vacation, we miss yer stuff too!
Diane Groth and M. Schaffer are the ho!d's official scouts of the funny, odd and unusual stuff you might click on around here. THANK YOU and welcome!
thanks to all of you. this is another awesome issue! (as always-heh)
cait collins ~~body~waves~~ to you all! night dAev
a few more things:
you can say stuff here! comment on what you read in the ho!d---comment, critique and bS! on the ho!d's Graffitti messageboard so, stick it where it gives you the most pleasure!
[s!gn the book
v!ew the book]
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webdesign/graphics/maintenance by: cait collins
ho!d header by dAev dembinski last update: 08.01.99