The Lonely Life of Seaman dAev
by: dAev f. dembinski
I am Death. I was informed of this recently by a friend of mine. To tell the truth, i had
completely forgotten about it. You know how some things just slip your mind, like where you left your pills, or that you're the immortal anthropomorphic personification of oblivion? Well, needless to say, i was rather perturbed when i found this out. I mean, here i was on a stupid ship, drifting around this disgusting, polluted, semi-radioactive lake, when all the time i could have just snapped my bony fingers and been anywhere in the universe in a nanosecond. It's rather irritating.
Anywho, now that i've remembered my purpose in the vast scheme of things, i believe i'll make some changes. No more black robes and scythes, for a start. I mean, what was the deal with that? I much prefer a nice wetsuit. And the fiery, skeletal horse? Come on. Buffalo are so much more well-behaved. And since i've just bought myself a didgeridoo at a local music store, expect some strange symphonics when i come for you. Not that any of you should be expecting me soon. After all, bison do travel rather slowly.