the harangue - dec. 99 by: goo

planes crashing with such frequency and new channels popping up constantly,
specializing in minute things, specific and exact, I wonder if one day this
will lead to an airplane crash network, focusing solely upon such and
freeing up the news channels from weeks of repetition monopolizing upon a
single disaster...damned itchy nose of cats and dust and whatever...bare
flesh sore finger where once a blister was, makes doing this pile of dirty
dishes near impossible for any event...the sun shines bright but dont be
fooled by the lowly cold lurking just outside the door, winter is here
folks...speed and ajax go hand in hand in cannot be intimate with
one without the other...each day is more chaotic then the last. the world
we inhabit would be unrecognizeable to those in the past. where will we be
tomorrow?...the attitude of the day is mixed, yesterday was jubilent, when
we think how could we ever not be happy and a day later fighting depression
actively contemplating the fact of yesterday. it helps to keep the self on
neutral ground but the pressing thoughts that want the bleak are still
there to be fought, it's just not so possible to get to the joy right now,
not alone...I can't find exactly who I am, and realize how true to my own
form I am truly being in this's hard to break a bond with
another, until that bond is broken and you begin to realize your the best
off you've been in ages and never knew it...slim drizzle rain falling
effortlessly from the grey sky, I can't remember the last time it rained
and the depressed landscape it creates amid the fall and dead trees appears
quite comforting and kind...damned dishes pile up non-stop, the more I do
the more I use, I recommend smoking weed before a large dishwashing
experience...soaking is key...I wish I'd have a flashback...learning of new
drugs that have gotten around the US system of 'justice', I intend on
investigating further...playing out a vampire in a live action gaming
experience I wonder of the implications and look forward to giving it a
whirl...the benefits of an altered view of reality upon life is a necessity
for an experienced soul...the fact is, gravity does kill and I've known
some victims...
...old swing gated openings in the stalled out empty hallways deep within
the folds of our deepest brains recess...soul jangling situations
propelling us with extreme physics inertia, enjoying the breaze as we let
loose imagined control and glide with that which we can only endure...a fat
gut and a crazy kook ass soon to be ex-wife (thank god) she came over the
other day just to bitch at me!!!!! she is truly nuts....what experiences
have you had involving the suggestions and disturbing insights of
others?...terrible blank faced expressions dont do us justice when we can't
find a comparable reaction until 10 minutes have passed...groping telepathy
would be a mad idea and powerful afterthought if only it existed, but the
fact is in any reasonably mided logician there is no such funny
bird...premotive influenced subliminal atomistic harrasment placed upon
your neighbors souls when the dark evil that is contained within us all
admittedly leaks out in its slightest and taints your immediate
surroundings....Insane mental patients have been known to run rampant and
maniacal while other more subversive and generally far more sinister
psychotic types are sometimes witnessed spying upon the 'normal' world,
masturbating with their twisted phallaces all the while....grey haired
super heros roam deserted streets in kinder 'hoods, preventing foul doings
in their aged masses, a pack of old coots has been known to be a formidable
force, centered upon a thousand years of shared experience, they are far
from witless...
the reading mind of the mystic fool goo goes live with his phenomenal poetry readings!