dec. 1999
issue 27

Smell ME
goo's harangue
Sapphology - 2

poetry forum
ron androla
Jim Chandler
Michael McNeilley
Lyn Lifshin
cait collins
Cheryl Townsend
Lewis LaCook
elaine thomas
Dancing Bear
marc ellis
Donna Hill
R L Stephenson
Jamie B.Lepore
Lincoln Sward
Allison Inaba
Jay Miner
Restless Natives
Steven Ellsworth

short stories
ron androla
Sara T Punk
R L Stephenson
Jay Miner
Nicholas Morgan

charles bukowski 1920-1994
[s!gn the book]

[v!ew the book]

Click to vote Starting Point Hot Site.
yea, right, o.k. eat me til I die from a mass overdose of orgasms if I do...and I have a tendency to peek so get in line...har! kkk...I don't hafta tell you why this clipjoint is decorated the way it is: no, it's not Easter or the 4th of July, there's no cupid's zingin' darts through candy hearts either, it's the time of the year where all of you spend yer hard-earned $$$ on ppl that you care for and/or pretend to do the same. it's a farce. take my word for it, it's better to take things out in trade. even at xXxmastime!...sSpPaZzzz and o, it would be nice if all of you wish'd me hAppY, HaPpy, meRry, mErry and allthat...and ditto to you! make sure you click on the pkgs and bows fer yer gifts! ---XXXO's to all of you!...and so, here's the lineup --- read it and leap into the ho!d one last time of this century!

new this month @ the ho!d:
Haze joins the ho!d with her wonderful poetry - tho she gave us a peak if you frequent the ho!d's messageboard - welcome to the ho!d!
our mystic poet, goo now joins the prose section along with Sara T Punk! ::applause::
there's new news in the new current events page. check it out and don't hesitate to submit your event or announcement here if you want plenty of people to know about it! events added anytime during the month
there's more stuff this month you can listen to by some of our contributors. they read and play with stuff like guitars and musical instruments and sing at the same time even - so click over to the new spoken ho!d section...taptaptap anda one anda two... the rest of you ho!d people get yer stuff in there. (me too - yea, o.k.)
chapbooks by writers of the ho!d make great Xmas gifts - get 'em while they're, click
 auto-related Xmas gift sugs:

another fantastic issue!
cait collins jiNgLe, JaNgLe-- night dAev - wherever you are!
