A Study of Lesbianism - nov. 99
by: redd_k

Part 1 of 5
This is the first installment in a report on the subject which will continue for a few months until I have made a point. The point being two-fold: first, that the seed of lesbianism is in all women whether they are aware of it or not, or whether they will admit it or not, even to themselves. The second, that homosexuality as applies to males bears no relation to the pure lesbianism about which I speak. Rather, deviant behavior of both male and female homosexuals is considered perversion--whereas a relationship between purely lesbian women is not. This beginning will be limited to an identification of yours truly; and to a dispelling of as many stereotypes as will open your mind to what I have to say. I am not criticizing homosexual behavior which I identify as perversion. I merely want to exclude it from my definition of lesbianism. In other words I defy the dictionary definition of the word which connotes wrongdoing...an opinion of the lexicographer. Lesbianism is love.
I am female, 19 years of age, living at home and in my second year of junior college. My own sexual orientation has no bearing on the discussion, nor will any conclusion you may draw about it. This is not scientific research, so sources will only be cited parenthetically when I feel the need to give credit, for I do draw on writings of others. Otherwise, it is a report of my own conclusions and convictions. I invite criticism, and will respond to any given in good faith.
I consider male homosexual behavior to be perversion. So too is homosexuality between and among women when it involves group sex, use of so-called "toys" and when it is not love-motivated. I will elaborate on this and refer to examples, in order to make clear my belief that pure lesbianism is not of itself deviant. A stereotypical lesbian may be the so-called dominating sex partner, whether a mistress over one or more slave sluts, or a simple but dominating leader. She may be the submissive partner, either to a mistress who bestows pain and humiliation, or simply the weaker "follower." Terms like "dyke," "butch," "mistress," "sub," among many others, have cast lesbianism as "all of the above." Yet there are many instances where "none of the above" would apply, in which two women express love for each other in many ways; sometimes, but not always, sexual. When a woman expresses love for another (unrelated) woman she is showing her "seed" of lesbianism even if she does not realize it or if she denies it.
I somehow disassociate bona fide love between men from this discussion, more from ignorance than anything else; and there may be evidence that a pure form of love may exist between them. But for my purpose any pro or con in this regard is irrelevant. So while I deal only with pure lesbianism, I recognize that valid argument is possible in defense of all deviant behavior, regardless of gender. I want more than anything, that anyone reading this, try hard to think beyond the sexual aspects of love manifestations in lesbianism. Certainly sex may and often does play a role; but close friendship between two or more women with no overt sexual behavior at all, is as much a sign of latent lesbianism as is sexual behavior itself. Obviously I am not speaking of mother-daughter love, sisterly love, or the like.
...to be continued