nov. 1999
issue 26
Seaman dAev
goo's harangue
poetry forum
ron androla
Jim Chandler
Michael McNeilley
Lyn Lifshin
cait collins
Cheryl Townsend
Lewis LaCook
Michael Hathaway
elaine thomas
Dancing Bear
Scott Holdstad
marc ellis
Donna Hill
R L Stephenson
Jamie B.Lepore
Sally Mour
Lincoln Sward
Allison Inaba
Jay Miner
Dan Symonds
Steven Ellsworth
short stories
ron androla
R L Stephenson
Jay Miner
Nicholas Morgan

hAppY biRd daY eRniE

charles bukowski 1920-1994
[s!gn the book]

[v!ew the book]

Click to vote Starting Point Hot Site.

...hello readers! see that up there? yea, that rubberoized thing with the cone-head, swollen red nose, wavin' a spPaaAzzed-out mitten in yer face, nun-like alien...yea, that thing! now it's hard to keep yer eyes off it, eh? well, wave back, dammit... I stuck it there for a reason and that being: with all the travelin' and other stuff goin' on and with all of the most holiest of holidays fallin' all over mE, do you think I have time to find a turkey? ho ho no, o joy! so pretend already... well, there is my closest rendition for this year...cock-a -doo - now gobble, gobble my pussy! yes, I did say that and holy all in the same paragraph - but I mean it (you know who-woOoo) get me in a back seat --- slingin' halo's - amen! ---now read this and leap into the ho!d! cait

new this month at the ho!d:
check out the new current events page. submit your event here if you want plenty of people to know about it! events added anytime during the month
now you can listen to some of our contributors read or play with stuff like guitars and musical instruments and sing at the same time even - click over to the new spoken ho!d section...anda one anda two... the rest of you ho!d people get yer stuff in there. (me too - yea, o.k.)
I'm awake ron androla, masturbating away after readin' yer prose submission...that gurlwwhewww
the ho!d welcomes Nicholas Morgan with his short stories...uh, I was wonderin' tho - is jelly gun another way of sayin': 'limp dick'?...don't miss this...HAR!
Sapphology with redd_k - an excellent study on lesbianism, be sure to check it out.
bukowski's site has had an uplift...thanks to me, of course - have a, click
founder/editor of the ho!d dAev dembinski is into computer animated flicks click in every month with his Great Works of Literature For the Functionally Illiterate check out the:
The Old Man and the Sea |
I never pass up the new trends like:
biking in style OR
a great place to shit...errr...ahHhh...sit
high 5!

you can say stuff here! comment, critique and bS! on the ho!d's Graffitti messageboard
