the harangue - Oct .99
by: goo
kind of listen well dear boy for I will only repeat this twice...a million
stars, burnt breath in the firey hold of man's ignorant grasp upon a
reality which wonders if itself truly exists, through postulates and
theorums devised in heaven and recognized by bald, greasy faced men, who
once were nerds and we all seem to be related to...someones always running
a scam, but its up to us to not be duped, or am I giving you and me and him
more credit than I should...I'm a cynic, but I actively try to retain a
thread of decency when I deal with other may not be politically
corect, but it is the deepest of truths belched from the gullet of an
anarchist, and if you can't take that as you would a joke then chances are
your in the right business...tired eyes and churning stomachs, I wonder if
regular stools are only a myth...confused by the shiny, bright light, we
stand in the shadows of the corner...dreams so real, full of pain felt
real, teeth yanked in a grizzly fashion one by one, loose and loosened,
bent back and forth til free from aching, bloody gums, I hope not a
prophecy to come and think of brushing my teeth more often, but
don't...hours go by in minutes alone at this time of night...
...buxom, new wave medicine, posing as a late-night orgasm, cleansing the
soul with a stranger for a few bucks, a home remedy since before we had our
own dicks and cunts...getting my hands on cheap quarters, I'm not out to
make a buck, but get myself some cheap dope and help a friend out that'd do
the same for me...some things will never change, their legality is but an
issue of convenience for truly insignificant numbers, while the rest of us
pay the price, because we all live together in a free country, just some
people freedom is more weighty than others...who are you?...get the word
out to the kids, this and that is bad to make a bong out of, but we all
have, or is it just that I myself have made so many? so neutral,
you could eat a pound and be alright, on the verge of 2000 and I wouldn't
think of getting it near my mouth, so many chemicals, so little
planet...never shot up heroin once, never have the intention of it, but
I've got 2 sterile needles of differing size in my drawer, just in case,
I've always been prepared...