oct. 1999
issue 25
Seaman dAev
goo's harangue
Smell ME
poetry forum
ron androla
Jim Chandler
Michael McNeilley
Lyn Lifshin
cait collins
Cheryl Townsend
Lewis LaCook
Michael Hathaway
elaine thomas
Dancing Bear
Scott Holdstad
marc ellis
Donna Hill
R L Stephenson
Jamie B.Lepore
Sally Mour
Allison Inaba
Jay Miner
Dan Symonds
Steven Ellsworth
R L Stephenson
Jay Miner
elaine thomas
charles bukowski 1920-1994
[s!gn the book]
[v!ew the book]
BOO! scared you, didn't I?
...just gettin' into the start of the holiday season. halloween kinda spQQks it...err...sparks it off, doncha think? actually, if you really noticed, before the start of the school year does it. look in the stores.(in August)...already there is Thanksgiving/Xmas decorations and stuff all over the place...step right up! empty yer pockets...go for broke - ahead of time -
kkk, there's a lot goin' on here so pay attention, god dammit, pluck a fruit loop from yer personal bonsai tree and---read it and leap into the ho!d!
new this month at the ho!d:
there's a poetry contest going on hosted by our own Lyn Lifshin-
check it out, Oct. 15th is the submission deadline
the page to the newest chapbook releases by our contributors is 'on the air' now
in case you missed being a participant at Burning Man, there's plenty of reviews under that, click
our one and only founder of the ho!d dAev dembinski is into computer animated flicks click in every month with his Great Works of Literature For the Functionally Illiterate check out the:
a lotta new welcomes to the ho!d, so here we go:
- welcome poets extraordinaire (just like the rest of us-heh) Lewis LaCook, Dan Symonds and Steven Ellsworth
- new to the rant column are Shannon Michele Johnston - yea, go ahead...PULL HER FINGER, she dares you!
- goo-rants on with his harangue column -- (what's that mean, man?)
- ooo, rachel's back with her erotica and elaine thomas has been busy in that dept. also...(pant, pant, pant!!!)
- Jay Minor is new to our prose section - kewl stuff Jay
- yea yea yea.. Smell ME too, ho!
::runnin' outta room- blah, blah, blah...welcome you ALL:::
- o.k, now don't miss all of our regulars who did it know...the great stuff bit!
and check out the bios of our authors --pretty impressive people here! thanx to all of you!
yada, yada--- another fabulous issue! (as always-heh)
cait collins night dAev
Diane Groth and M. Schaffer are the ho!d's official scouts of the funny, odd and unusual stuff you might click on around here, suchas: