Here's the deal. The feds have begun another venture of pillaging and raping...
In the middle of September the newspapers announced that milk prices would be hiked-again. I have a family of seven people, milk flows through my house in unimaginable amounts.
I use it for just about everything, I like to cook good food, like macaroni and cheese, which requires milk. We eat cereal every morning cuz I am too lazy to get up and cook a real breakfast, which also requires milk. I like cheese which is made from milk, with which we enjoy tacos, and salads and omelettes (only when hubby is home to cook all this) And milk also makes a refreshing drink.
Have you ever noticed how expensive milk is? One gallon in some stores costs, $2.79 a gallon-call me spoiled (or cheap), but I remember when I used to buy three gallons at a time because it was cheaper than eating. Then, back in 1994 some asshole comes up with this wonderful idea.Let's treat the cows with a hormone that will help them produce more milk, then we can saturate the market and lower the prices of milk products (besides give everybody cancer).
Well saturate the market they did, as well as the ground because they ended up having to pour the shit out. Which caused milk prices to soar as a chain reaction and from which we have not been able to recover...fucken brilliant.
The whole thing smacks of conspiracy...does that sound paranoid to you? Anyway, so, here we are paying up the ass so our kids can have milk at home and just when the mushroom cloud settled from the last price hike they declare that milk is subject to a federally mandated price induction. And if you live in the state of sex and sun, that's California if you didn't know, the state has it's own adjustments besides the feds. And we could be paying an additional $1.50 per gallon. I just about had a fucking cow!
I wish I could have a cow, then I wouldn't have to end up mortgaging my property so that my kids can have milk = healthy bones, teeth and skin. But I don't know where I would put it. Although, I have a few ideas.
On top of all this bullshit, for some reason, probably because some other fuckhead ( computer knew how to spell that) got a brilliant idea, we pay for all this extravagant advertising. Every time I see a milk commercial on television, a billboard featuring the latest, hot celebrity, or a two page slick in a magazine I want to puke---and when I'm done doing that, I ask myself---why?
Why would milk companies need to advertise the drinking of milk? Everyone does it. It delivers two essential supplements, vitamin D and calcium. Knowing this, milk companies and the feds are in on one helluva racquet...sounding paranoid again? And since everyone drinks milk without needing to be told to do it with expensive advertising, it is totally unnecessary!
People have been drinking milk since long before the days of Jack, who was sent out to buy a cow, I am sure he didn't follow huge billboards all the way into town, or depend on the prompting of silly (okay stupid) milk commercials. What really gets me is do they think we consumers are a bunch of fricken morons, in that, we must be specifically directed to drink it? It is not new and improved, it doesn't do anything different, does the same old thing it always has, we know where to buy it, it won't wax the kitchen floor, make the bed, wash the car, the dog, shampoo the carpets or give you a good orgasm, so why the fucking ads?
And what about the children? Are they really forced to suck on the hind titty of an old cow?
HELL NO! My kids will no longer drink milk.
So soda and beer companies I implore you! Add vitamin D and calcium to your ingredients! My children will be having beer and pizza for breakfast (it's cheaper) and soda in their school lunches-it wouldn't hurt to add a little fluoride either (wink wink).
I am making my "No Milk" buttons as we speak. I am wearing them, through the piercing in each nipple, and passing them out on the corner along with cookies and Budweiser (my computer knew how to spell that too). Oh, and maybe a free blow-job, if you look clean. I will be damned if I am going to pay $4.50 for a gallon of milk.
A nationwide boycott is in order, stop buying milk, start drinking more beer (they aren't paying me to say that either), crash the milk commodity bonds and pour it to the ground. We as a country full of consumers don't have to pay those kinds of outrageous prices, we dictate the market---Hopefully, this will be the last time those stupid milk fucks say, "let them eat cake!"