Cat's Impetuous Books and Stuff

founded by dAev dembinski
sept. 1999
issue 24


Seaman dAev

poetry forum

ron androla
Jim Chandler
Michael McNeilley
Lyn Lifshin
cait collins
Cheryl Townsend
Craig Sernotti
Michael Hathaway
elaine thomas
Dancing Bear
Scott Holdstad
marc ellis
Donna Hill
R L Stephenson
Jamie B.Lepore
Lincoln Sward
Sally Mour
Allison Inaba

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Craig Sernotti

charles bukowski

[s!gn the book]
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[v!ew the book]

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letterS to AND  from the editor:

     hi de ho! I've received several letters, e-mails, hints, evil eyes, middle finger gestures and rocks thrown my way stating I better get my ass in gear and produce more stuff than I have lately. does this possibly mean SOME body out there likes my shit or what?
     alright, I admit I've been lax and o.k. I think I've been f'd and f'd up enough during the past few months to start something, ANYthing, we'll see - after I go out one more time...see you'se next month!!!
::shootin' staple guns::---cait
     so meanwhile--- here ya go---read it and leap into the ho!d!

welcome this month to the ho!d:

  • Michael McNeilly: a man of neverending poetry
  • plus, Lyn Lifshin shares her own special style with us!
  • check out Dancing Bears' awesome Atlas poetry series.
  • Sara T Punk is into not only poetry but eggplant?(o.k.)
  • dickens is, well, dickens --- au naturale!
  • Sally Mour and I met and read poetry at the Cobalt Cafe in Canoga Park in Ca. and became great friends.
  • welcome to Allison Inaba who shares her words with us.
  • and not only do I enjoy Craig Sernotti's raw poetry but now we have erotica from a man's perspective...yea!

  • o.k, now don't miss all of our regulars who have once again outdone themselves!
    and check out the  bios of our authors --pretty important people here! thanx to all of you!

      yada, yada--- this is another temendous
      issue! (as always-heh)

      cait collins

      night dAev

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Diane Groth and M. Schaffer are the ho!d's official scouts of the funny, odd and unusual stuff you might click on around here, suchas:

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you can say stuff here!

comment, critique and bS! on the ho!d's

Graffitti messageboard



authors bios
about the ho!d

coming next issue
newest chapbook releases by our contributors

lQQkie here

egg sexucation?

and here
site submitted by:
D. Groth



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website owners

all poetry, prose, artwork, books and especially the rants
are copyright of their respective authors-

unauthorized use is prohibited.

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© 1999 the ho!d
all rights reserved.
webdesign/graphics/maintenance by:
cait collins
editor/publisher - ©fingerprintpress
ho!d header by dAev dembinski
last update: 09.01.99